
Prof. Dr. Christian Rosenmund

In recognition of his scientific achievements studying the the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission of central synapses, Prof. Dr. Christian Rosenmund was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in May 2019. He has thus received one of the highest scientific honors awarded by a German institution.


Mucosal immunologist and virologist Steeve Boulant has been awarded the prestigious Heisenberg fellowship of the DFG. He will continue his work on human gut inflammation and regulation of host/pathogen interaction in polarized epithelial cells at the University Hospital Heidelberg in the department of Infectious diseases.

Steeve Boulant was recruited by Heidelberg via the Chica and Heinz Schaller foundation (CHS foundation) in February 2012 from Harvard Medical School, USA.

New PhD Board

We are happy to announce that the newly elected members of the PhD Student Board resumed their work on May 1, 2019:


Bojana Pavlovic (Boutros Lab, MedFak Heidelberg)

Vera Magg (Ruggieri Lab, MedFak Heidelberg)

Christian Gabriel (Kramer Lab, Charité Berlin)

Friederike Kohrs (Hiesinger Lab, FU Berlin)


We wish them an efficient tenure and look forward to future events of the board.


We would also like to take the opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the previous PhD Student Board, Dr. Sina Barysch (Melchior Lab at ZMBH), Gülce Gülcüler (Martin-Villalba Lab at DKFZ), Eliot Morisson (Freund Lab at FU berlin) and Tim Hempel (Noé/Plattner Lab at FU Berlin). They represented the PhD students of the TRR186 from November 2016 to April 2019 and successfully organized two PhD/Postdoc meetings in Berlin and Heidelberg.

Michael Boutros

We are happy to announce Michael Boutros as new member of the Steering Committee since January 2019.

Volker Haucke

Prof. Volker Haucke, Director at the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) receives the Feldberg Prize 2020, which is awarded annually by the Feldberg Foundation for anglo-german scientific exchange. The aim is to promote scientific exchange between British and German researchers in the field of experimental medicine, in particular in the disciplines of physiology and pharmacology.

Frank Noé


Prof. Dr. Frank Noé of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Freie Universität Berlin is the recipient of this year’s Early Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The highly reputed society cites Noé’s important pioneering work in the development of innovative computational methods in biophysics. In particular, Noé has made important scientific contributions in the field of “Markov Modeling” and its application to protein simulations.

FU Berlin press release

Prof. Dr. Frauke Melchior

Prof. Dr. Frauke Melchior receives the FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award, which recognizes outstanding achievements of female researchers in the life sciences. In addition, winners of the award are role models who inspire future generations of scientists. Specificially, Melchior receives the award for discovering a link between the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO), oxidative stress and DNA damage, which has important implications for the development of chemotherapeutic approaches in cancer treatment. In addition, the award also recognizes Melchior’s generosity in guiding and mentoring young researchers and sharing protocols and reagents with the scientific community. press release

Prof. Dr. Peter Hegemann

Die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina zeichnet ihr Mitglied Peter Hegemann, Berlin, mit der Mendel-Medaille aus. Damit würdigt die Akademie die herausragende wissenschaftliche Arbeit des Forschers auf dem Gebiet der Optogenetik. Die Mendel-Medaille wird im Rahmen der feierlichen Eröffnung der Leopoldina-Jahresversammlung am Freitag, 22. September 2017, in Halle (Saale) überreicht.

Andrew Plested, Heisenberg Professor of Cellular Biophysics


NeuroCure researcher Andrew Plested has been awarded the prestigious Heisenberg Professorship of the DFG, to be based at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the Institute for Biology. Plested will also continue to lead the Molecular Neuroscience and Biophysics group at the Leibniz Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP).