Prof. Dr. Markus Ralser

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Institut für Biochemie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 450-528 921
E-mail: markus.ralser@charite.de
Einstein Professor of Biochemistry, Head of Biochemistry, Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Senior Group leader, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
2019 - The Starling Medal, The Endocrinology Society, UK
2017 - The Colworth Medal, The Biochemical Society, UK
2016 - Investigator Award in the Life Sciences, The Wellcome Trust
2014 - South-Tyrolean Science Price, Bolzano, Italy
2012 - 2018 - Research Associate Fellowship, St John’s College, Cambridge, UK 2012 European Molecular Biology organisation (EMBO) Young Investigator 2011-2016 European Research Council (ERC) starting grant
2011 - Wellcome-Beit Prize
2011 - 2016 - Wellcome Trust Research Career development fellowship
2008 - BioMed Central Research Award, Biology
University training and degree
2003 - Graduation (‘Diploma, (M.Sc), in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg. mit Auszeichnung’ (highest distinction for Master degree)
1999 - 2002 Undergraduate education, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg in Biology Genetics, Molecular Biology & Applied Informatics
1999 - Degree to “perito agrario” (eq. engineer, Ing.), Auer, Italy
Advanced academic qualifications
2006 PhD degree natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) ‘mit Auszeichnung’ Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, and University of Salzburg, Austria “On the neurodegenerative disorder Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2”.
Postgraduate professional career
2018 - present - Einstein Professor of Biochemistry, Head of Biochemistry Charité
2013 - present - Group leader, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
2011 - 2018 - Principal Investigator and Wellcome Beit Prize fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry and Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, University of Cambridge, UK
2007 - 2011 - Head of junior research group ‘Molecular Biology of Metabolism’ and quantitative mass spectrometry, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
2009 - Visiting Scientist, Clinical Metabolomics Lab, Dept of Clinical Chemistry, VU University Amsterdam
Most important publications
Olin-Sandoval V, Shu Lim Yu J, Miller-Fleming L, Tauqeer Alam M, Kamrad S, Correia-Melo C, Haas R, Segal J, Peña Navarro DA, Lucia Herrera C, Méndez-Lucio O, Vowinckel J, Mülleder M and Ralser M. (2019) Lysine harvesting gives rise to an underground polyamine pathway and is a new cellular antioxidant . Nature,. 2019 Aug;572(7768):249-253.
Zelezniak A, Vowinckel J, Capuano F, Messner CB, Demichev V, Polowsky N, Mülleder M, Kamrad S, Klaus B, Keller MA, Ralser M. (2018) Machine Learning Predicts the Yeast Metabolome from the Quantitative Proteome of Kinase Knockouts. Cell Syst;7:269-283.e6
Stynen B, Abd-Rabbo D, Kowarzyk J, Miller-Fleming L, Aulakh SK, Garneau P, Ralser M, Michnick SW. (2018) Changes of Cell Biochemical States Are Revealed in Protein Homomeric Complex Dynamics. Cell;175:1418-1429.e9
Mülleder M, Calvani E, Alam MT, Wang RK, Eckerstorfer F, Zelezniak A, Ralser M. (2016) Functional Metabolomics Describes the Yeast Biosynthetic Regulome. Cell;167:553-565.e12
Grüning NM, Rinnerthaler M, Bluemlein K, Mülleder M, Wamelink MM, Lehrach H, Jakobs C, Breitenbach M, Ralser M. (2011) Pyruvate kinase triggers a metabolic feedback loop that controls redox metabolism in respiring cells. Cell Metab;14:415-27
Ralser M, Wamelink MM, Latkolik S, Jansen EE, Lehrach H, Jakobs C (2009) Metabolic reconfiguration precedes transcriptional regulation in the antioxidant response. Nature Biotechnol 27:604-605
Ralser M, Wamelink MM, Kowald A, Gerisch B, Heeren G, Struys EA, Klipp E, Jakobs C, Breitenbach M, Lehrach H, Krobitsch S (2007) Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress. J Biol 6:10