Dr. Alessia Ruggieri

Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg
Zentrum für Infektiologie, Molekulare Virologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 344
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (6221) 56-7761
E-mail: alessia.ruggieri@med.uni-heidelberg.de
Group Leader
2014 - 2016 - Fellowship of Chica and Heinz Schaller Foundation
University training and degree
09/1998 - 09/1999 - Diploma thesis with Francois-Loic Cosset at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
09/1996 - 09/1998 - Master thesis at University of Lyon, France
09/1994 - 09/1996 - Study of Biology at the University of Metz, France
Advanced academic qualifications
11/2003 - PhD in Virology, Laboratoire de Vectorologie Rétrovirale et Thérapie Génique, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France with Francois-Loic Cosset
Postgraduate professional career
11/2013 - present - Group Leader at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology, University of Heidelberg
07/2008 - 11/2013 - Postdoctoral research fellow with Ralf Bartenschlager at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology, University of Heidelberg
03/2004 - 07/2008 - Postdoctoral research fellow with Jens Mayer at the Institute for Human genetics, University of Saarland
Most important publications
Lee J-Y, Cortese M, Haselmann U, Tabata K, Romero-Brey I, Funaya C, Rohr K, Qiang Y, Ritter C, Schwab Y, Schieber N, Bartenschlager M, Kallis S, Ruggieri A, Bartenschlager R (2019) Spatio-temporal coupling of the hepatitis C virus replication cycle by creation of a lipid droplet proximal membranous replication compartment. Cell Reports 27:3602-3617.e5
Ruggieri A and Stoecklin G (2019) A Signal to Condense. Nat Chem Biol. 15:5-6
Roth H, Magg V, Uch F, Mutz P, Klein P, Haneke K, Lohmann V, Bartenschlager R, Fackler OT, Locker N, Stoecklin G, Ruggieri A (2017) Flavivirus infection uncouples translation suppression from cellular stress responses. mBio 8:e02150-16
Cortese M, Goellner S, Acosta EG, Neufeldt CJ, Oleksiuk O, Lampe M, Haselmann U, Funaya C, Schieber N, Ronchi P, Schorb M, Pruunsild P, Schwab Y, Chatel-Chaix L, Ruggieri A, Bartenschlager R (2017) Ultrastructural characterization of Zika virus replication factories. Cell Reports 18:2113–2123
Chatel-Chaix L, Cortese M, Romero-Brey I, Bender S, Fischl W, Scaturro P, Fischer B, Ruggieri A, Bartenschlager R (2016) Dengue virus modulates mitochondrial morphodynamics through the inhibition of DRP-1 for the benefit of viral replication. Cell Host Microbe 20:342-56
Schmid B*, Rinas M*, Ruggieri A, Reuter A, Fischl W, Harder N, Bergeest J-P, Flossdorf M, Rohr K, Höfer T, Bartenschlager R (2015) Live Cell Analysis and Mathematical Modeling Identify Determinants of Attenuation of Dengue Virus 2'-O-Methylation Mutant. PloS Pathog. 11:e1005345. *Equal contributions
Trotard M, Tsopoulidis N, Tibroni N, Willemsen J, Binder M, Ruggieri A, Fackler OT (2015) Sensing of HIV-1 infection in Tzm-bl cells with reconstituted expression of STING. J Virol. 90:2064-76
Hiet M-S, Bauhofer O, Zayas M, Roth H, Tanaka Y, Schirmacher P, Willemsen J, Grünvogel O, Bender S, Binder M, Lohmann V, Lotteau V, Ruggieri A*, Bartenschlager R* (2015)Control of temporal activation of hepatitis C virus-induced interferon response by domain 2 of nonstructural protein 5A. J Hepatol. 63:829-37. *Co-corresponding authors
Ruggieri A, Dazert E, Metz P, Hofmann S, Bergeest JP, Mazur J, Bankhead P, Hiet MS, Kallis S, Alvisi G, Samuel CE, Lohmann V, Kaderali L, Rohr K, Frese M, Stoecklin G and Bartenschlager R (2012) Dynamic oscillation of translation and stress granule formation mark the cellular response to virus infection. Cell Host Microbe 12:71-85
Bauhofer O, Ruggieri A, Schmid B, Schirmacher P, Bartenschlager R (2012) Persistance of HCV in quiescent hepatic cells during an interferon-induced antiviral response. Gastroenterology 143:429-438