Prof. Dr. Georg Stoecklin

Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg
Centrum für Biomedizin und Medizintechnik Mannheim (CBTM)
Ludolf-Krehl-Str. 13 – 17
D-68167 Mannheim
Phone: +49 (621) 383-71444
E-mail: georg.stoecklin@medma.uni-heidelberg.de
Professor W3 for Biochemistry
2002 - 2004 - Postdoctoral Fellowship, Swiss National Science Foundation
2001 - Paul Basset Prize, European Cancer Center Meeting, Strasbourg, France
2000 - Roche Research Foundation Award, Switzerland
1997 - 2000 - M.D./Ph.D. Fellowship, Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences
1996 - Medical Faculty Prize, University of Basel, Switzerland
1990 - Prix Ernest Leuba, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
University training and degree
1990 – 1997 Medical School, University of Basel, Switzerland
1989 – 1990 Medical School, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Advanced academic qualifications
01/2013 - Habilitation (venia legendi) in Molecular Biology, Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg, Germany
04/2000 - Ph.D. in Biology (Dr. phil. II) with Christoph Moroni, Institute for Medical Microbiology, University of Basel, Switzerland
01/1997 - M.D. (Dr. med.), University of Basel, Switzerland
11/1996 - Medical Licensing Exam (Staatsexamen) University of Basel, Switzerland
Postgraduate professional career
2016 - present - Professor for Biochemistry, Medical Faculty Mannheim at Heidelberg University
2006 - 2015 - Junior Group Leader, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Center for Molecular Biology at Heidelberg University (ZMBH)
2004 - 2006 - Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
2002 - 2004 - Postdoctoral Fellow with Paul Anderson, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
2000 - 2001 - Postdoctoral Fellow with Christoph Moroni, Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Basel, Switzerland
Coordinating functions and editorial work
2016 - present - Co-director, Centrum für Biomedizin und Medizintechnik Mannheim (CBTM)
2013 - Guest Editor, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
2012 - 2018 - Speaker of the Emerging Collaborative Topic 5 "Non-coding RNAs as versatile regulators of cellular processes" within the CellNetworks Excellence Cluster, University of Heidelberg
2011 - present - Academic Editor, PLoS One
Most important publications
Lafarga V, Sung HM, Haneke K, Roessig L, Pauleau AL, Bruer M, Rodriguez-Acebes S, Lopez-Contreras AJ, Gruss OJ, Erhardt S, Mendez J, Fernandez-Capetillo O, Stoecklin G (2019) TIAR marks nuclear G2/M transition granules and restricts CDK1 activity under replication stress. EMBO Rep 20:e46224
Roth H, Magg V, Uch F, Mutz P, Klein P, Haneke K, Lohmann V, Bartenschlager R, Fackler OT, Locker N, Stoecklin G, Ruggieri A (2017) Flavivirus Infection Uncouples Translation Suppression from Cellular Stress Responses. mBio 8:e02150
Sharma S, Poetz F, Bruer M, Ly-Hartig TBN, Schott J, Séraphin B, Stoecklin G (2016) Acetylation- Dependent Control of Global Poly-A RNA Degradation by CBP/p300 and HDAC1/2. Mol Cell 63:927-38
Schott J, Reitter S, Philipp J, Haneke K, Schäfer H, Stoecklin G (2014) Translational regulation of specific mRNAs controls feedback inhibition and survival during macrophage activation. PLoS Genet 10:e1004368
Leppek K, Schott J, Reitter S, Poetz F, Hammond MC, Stoecklin G (2013) Roquin promotes constitutive mRNA decay via a conserved class of stem-loop recognition motifs. Cell 153:869-81
Hofmann S, Cherkasova V, Bankhead P, Bukau B, Stoecklin G (2012) Translation suppression promotes stress granule formation and cell survival in response to cold shock. Mol Biol Cell 23:3786-800
Ruggieri A, Dazert E, Metz P, Hofmann S, Bergeest JP, Mazur J, Bankhead P, Hiet MS, Kallis S, Alvisi G, Samuel CE, Lohmann V, Kaderali L, Rohr K, Frese M, Stoecklin G, Bartenschlager R. (2012) Dynamic oscillation of translation and stress granule formation mark the cellular response to virus infection. Cell Host Microbe 12:71-85
Spasic M, Friedel CC, Schott J, Kreth J, Leppek K, Hofmann S, Ozgur S, Stoecklin G. (2012) Genome- wide assessment of AU-rich elements by the AREScore algorithm. PLoS Genet 8:e1002433
Stoecklin G, Stubbs T, Kedersha N, Wax S, Rigby WFC, Blackwell TK, Anderson P (2004) MK2-induced tristetraprolin:14-3-3 complexes prevent stress granule association and ARE-mRNA decay. EMBO J 23:1313-24
Stoecklin G, Colombi M, Raineri I, Leuenberger S, Mallaun M, Schmidlin M, Gross B, Lu M, Kitamura T, Moroni C (2002) Functional cloning of BRF1, a regulator of ARE-dependent mRNA turnover. EMBO J 21:47099-18