Dr. Andrew Plested

Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) &
Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure,
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 9406-3071
Fax: +49 (30) 9406-2960
E-mail: plested@fmp-berlin.de
Biophysics, Structural Biology, Neuroscience
Junior Group Leader
2015 Visiting Scholar, Initiative d’Excellence, University of Bordeaux
2015 ERC Consolidator Grant
2008 Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship declined
2008 MRC Career Development Award declined
2008 Fellows award in research excellence, NIH
Academic Education
10/1998 - 09/2002 Ph.D. thesis with Nick Franks and Bill Lieb at Imperial College London
10/1994 - 06/1998 Master of Science Degree in Physics, Imperial College London
University Degrees
01/2003 Ph.D. in Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College, University of London
11/2008 - Junior Group Leader at the FMP-Berlin and member of the Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure
11/2005 - 11/2008 Postdoctoral research fellow with Mark Mayer at NIH, USA
02/2003 - 10/2005 Postdoctoral research fellow with David Colquhoun FRS at UCL, UK
Coordinating Functions and Editorial Work
2014 - Editor, Biophysical Journal
2010 - Executive Editor, Neuropharmacology
- Carbone AL and Plested AJR (2016) Superactivation of AMPA receptors by auxiliary proteins. Nature Communications, http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160108/ncomms10178/full/ncomms10178.html.
- Klippenstein V, Ghisi V, Wietstruk M and Plested AJR (2014) Photoinactivation of glutamate receptors by a genetically encoded unnatural amino acid. Journal of Neuroscience 34:980-991.
- Lau AY†*, Salazar H†, Blachowitz L, Ghisi V, Plested AJR*, Roux B* (2013) A conformational intermediate in glutamate receptor activation. Neuron 79:492-503. †These authors contributed jointly. *Corresponding authors
- Miranda P, Contreras JE, Plested AJR, Sigworth FJ, Holmgren M, and Giraldez T (2013) Statedependent FRET reports calcium and voltage-dependent gating-ring motions in whole BK channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110:5217-22.
- Carbone AL and Plested AJR (2012) Coupled control of desensitization and gating by the ligand binding domain of glutamate receptors. Neuron 74:845–857.
- Lape R*, Plested AJR*, Moroni M, Colquhoun D and Sivilotti LG (2012) The α1K276E startle disease mutation reveals multiple intermediate states in the gating of glycine receptors. Journal of Neuroscience 32:1336-52. *These authors contributed jointly.
- Das U, Kumar J, Mayer ML* and Plested AJR* (2010) Domain organization and function in GluK2 subtype kainate receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107:8463-8. *Corresponding authors
- Plested AJR, and Mayer ML (2009) AMPA receptor ligand binding domain mobility revealed by functional crosslinking. Journal of Neuroscience 29:11912-23.
- Plested AJR*, Vijayan R*, Biggin PC and Mayer ML (2008) Molecular basis of kainate receptor modulation by sodium. Neuron 58:720-35. *These authors contributed jointly.
- Plested AJR and Mayer ML (2007) Structure and mechanism of anion modulation of kainate receptors. Neuron 53: 829-41.