Prof. Dr. Peter Robin Hiesinger

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie, Abt. Neurobiologie
Takustr. 6
14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 838 58698
E-mail: robin.hiesinger@fu-berlin.de
Professor for Neurobiology (W3)
2021 - Speaker, Research Unit FOR5289 'RobustCircuit'
2021 - ERC Advanced Grant 'SynPromiscuity'
2011 - 2015 - US NIH Study Section Member: NDPR, NOIT
2008 - March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Award 2008
2007 - American Federation for Aging Research Junior Faculty Research Grant Award
2007 - Whitehall Foundation Young Investigator Grant Award
2006 - Endowed Scholar New Faculty Award, UT Southwestern Medical Center
2000 - 2002 - EMBO Long-Term Fellowship
1999 - Boehringer Ingelheim Grant for a 3 months research project in Halifax, Canada
University training and degree
10/1992 - 11/1997 - Neurobiology, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany Diploma, Prof. K.-F. Fischbach
Advanced academic qualifikations
08/2000 - PhD, Neurogenetics, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany Mentor: Prof. K.-F. Fischbach
Postgraduate professional career
03/2015 - Professor (W3), Divison of Neurobiology, Freie Universität Berlin
09/2012 - 02/2015 - Associate Professor (tenured), UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
2006 - 2012 - Assistant Professor (tenure-track), UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
10/2002 - 08/2006 - HHMI Research Associate, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
09/2000 - 09/2002 - EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Most important publications
Özel, M.N., Kulkarni, A., Hasan, A., Brummer, J., Moldenhauer, M., Daumann, I.M., Wolfenberg, H., Dercksen, V., Kiral, F.K., Weiser, M., Prohaska, S., v. Kleist, M.*, and Hiesinger, P.R.* (2019). Serial synapse formation through filopodial competition for synaptic seeding factors. Dev. Cell, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2019.06.014, *co-corresponding authors
Jin, E.J., Kiral, F.R., Özel, M.N., Burchardt, L.S., Osterland, M., Epstein, D., Wolfenberg, H., Prohaska, S., and Hiesinger, P.R. (2018) Live observation of two parallel membrane degradation pathways at axon terminals. Curr Biol., 28(7):1027-1038
Ozel, M.N., Langen, M., Hassan, B.A., and Hiesinger, P.R. (2015) Filopodial Dynamics and Growth Cone Stabilization in Drosophila Visual Circuit Development. eLife e10721
Langen, M., Agi, E., Altschuler, D., Wu, L., Altschuler, S., Hiesinger, P.R. (2015) The Developmental Rules of Neural Superposition in Drosophila. Cell 162:120-33
Hassan, B.A. and Hiesinger, P.R. (2015) Beyond Molecular Codes: Simple Rules to Wire Complex Brains. Cell 163:285-91
Wang, D., Epstein, D., Khalaf, O., Srinivasan, S., Williamson, W.R., Fayyazzudin, A., Quiocho, F.A., and Hiesinger, P.R. (2014) Ca2+/Calmodulin regulates SNARE assembly and spontaneous neurotransmitter release via v-ATPase subunit V0a1. J. Cell Biol. 205:21-31
Cherry, S., Jin, E.J., Ozel, M.N., Lu, Z., Agi, E., Wang, D., Meinertzhagen, I.A., Chan, C.C., Hiesinger, P.R. (2013) Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2B mutations in rab7 cause dosage-dependent neurodegeneration due to partial loss of function. eLife 2(0):e01064
Haberman, A.S., Williamson, W.R., Wang, D., Epstein, D., Rina, S., Meinertzhagen, I.A., and Hiesinger, P.R. (2012) The synaptic vesicle SNARE neuronal Synaptobrevin is required for endolysosomal degradation and prevents adult-onset neurodegeneration. J. Cell Biol. 196, 261-276
Chan, C.C., Scoggin, S., Wang, D., Cherry, S., Dembo, T., Greenberg, B., Jin, E.J., Kuey, C., Lopez, A., Mehta, S.Q., Perkins, T.J., Brankatschk, M., Rothenfluh, A., Buszczak, M.*, and Hiesinger, P.R.* (2011) Systematic Discovery of Rab GTPases with Synaptic Functions in Drosophila. Curr. Biol. 21:1704-15 *co-corresponding authors
Williamson, W.R., Yang, T, Terman, J.R. and Hiesinger, P.R. (2010). Guidance receptor degradation is required for neuronal connectivity in the Drosophila nervous system. PLoS Biol. 8(12):e1000553